Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepares the sanctuary for the different rites of the church:  communion, baptism, weddings, etc.  This includes preparation of the communion elements, changing the paraments on the altar according to the liturgical calendar, changing the floral arrangements according to the seasons, filling the candles with oil, and filling the baptismal font when needed.
Contact:  Sharren Gibbs

Pastor's Bible Study

Pastor Kolby leads a diverse study on Tuesdays at 11:30am, varying between topics and books of the Bible. We welcome anyone who would like to bring their lunch with them.
Contact:  Pastor Kolby 352-372-2845

Monthly Newsletter

Wesley publishes a monthly newsletter, the Wesley Witness, that is full of information for our church family and friends. The editor collects and lays out articles and photos for the newsletter, which is then published on-line as a PDF, and also made available to those who wish to receive a printed copy.  Check out the monthly Witness on the "Newsletters" tab above!
Contacts:  Sharren Gibbs
                   Terri Manche


Linda Crenshaw serves as our Sunday morning greeter, meeting folks in the narthex and ensuring they have both a name tag and bulletin.  She puts a warm and friendly face on the congregation for visitors and members alike.  We now offer fresh-baked cookies and bottled water both before and after the service in the narthex. Join us!
Contact:  Sharren Gibbs

YAH Senior Fellowship

Wesley’s Young-At-Heart fellowship gathers monthly for lunch at a local restaurant, and sometimes for games at the fellowship hall.  Day-trips around the area offer the opportunity to learn more about our community, and they always celebrate the holidays with festive gatherings.
Contact:  Donna Weseman

Canasta Card Club

Learn to play some of the many versions of canasta - we play at least the classic and "hand-and-foot" versions each week - and enjoy a fun fellowship with other like-minded players!
Contact:  Cindy Holmes

United Women in Faith

"United Women in Faith shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church."  They equip women and girls around the world to be leaders in communities, agencies, workplaces, governments and churches.  They provide educational experiences, work for justice through compassionate service and advocacy, and foster spiritual growth of the members.  They are active in national and international outreach activities.  To that end, Wesley has four active circles, the Morning Stars, Earnest Workers, Sisters n Faith, and our newest circle, the Nightingales.
Contact:  Helen Tate


Wesley's website puts information about our church and its activities in a readily-accessible format for our current attendees and people in the area who may be looking for a new church home.
Contact:  Sharren Gibbs

Leadership Board

The Leadership Board meets every month except December (or more often as needed) to monitor and direct the activities of the church as a whole.  The pastor and all committees and teams (except SPPR) report their activities and plans to the Board.
Contact:  Terri Manche   352-372-2845

Finance Committee

Finance Committee holds regular meetings to review reports and stay abreast of the church’s financial state and ensure maintenance of appropriate cash levels.  They create an annual budget based upon needs of the church to include all committee, outreach and mission projects, administrative costs, payroll, and other expenses.

Kitchen Committee

You know we Methodists love our dinners-on-the-grounds!  In addition to preparing the monthly Wednesday fellowship dinner, this group maintains the Kitchen Fund, which is used to purchase groceries and kitchen supplies as needed.  The group comes together whenever a celebration is needed – funerals, showers, holidays – you name it!
The committee also prepares and serves a luncheon for the monthly meeting of the Gainesville Daughters of the American Revolution chapter.
Contact:  Donna Weseman

Missions Committee

This group has turned up the heat on Wesley’s missions!  In addition to supporting various local, national, and international agencies, we have initiated contacts with schools and fire stations in our neighborhood, as well as the city police department.  We have joined the Family Promise of Gainesville network, which provides temporary housing to homeless families.  The Mission tab on our homepage lists all of our current missional activities.
Contact:  Cindy Holmes

Trustees Committee

Basically, this committee supervises and maintains all property belonging to our congregation so that the ministries of the congregation can be effective.  The committee reports annually to the charge conference on the state of the church’s property, equipment, investments, and resources, and submits the annual budget requests for insurance, property maintenance and improvement, and new property purchases to the Finance Committee.
This is one of the hardest working groups in the church – yards have to be mowed, weeds pulled from the Memorial Garden, ceiling leaks fixed, electrical problems remedied, trees taken down or put up, problems in the parsonage addressed, and (most important in the south) air conditioners kept running!  You will see our committee members working at all of these activities, along with many church members.
Contact:  Ron Case

Worship Committee

This committee is the umbrella over all the smaller groups that provide attention and support for anything that happens in the worship service.  Groups or individuals with responsibility for the following are members of this committee:  Altar Guild, greeters, ushers, acolytes, audiovisual technician(s), music director, drama director, praise and worship team, bulletins, and nametags, to name a few.  The chair of this committee meets with the pastor regarding plans for the seasons of the church, and coordinates with other committees for events in the church.
Contact:  Sharren Gibbs